Healing Testimony – Gabby J.

This is the story of Gabby J. Gabby is a 14 year old girl, and my wife and I are the godparents to Gabby’s 3 year old twin brothers. Gabby was in considerable pain. Her hip and leg were causing so much pain, she was unable to walk. Her mom, Lisa, took Gabby to the hospital to try and figure out what was wrong.

My Gabby started complaining about pain in her body a few days ago. Had to pick her up from school yesterday. At Dr. today and it’s not good so they say but I plead the blood of JESUS over my baby and GOD got her.

Lisa J. – January 10, 2019 – 9:42am

Unfortunately the doctors could not figure out what was wrong. All they knew was that Gabby was in pain. The doctors gave Gabby pain meds and crutches, but could do no more.

Thank you all for the prayers today for our Gabby. We still do not know that cause of her pain but we continue to wait on further testing. She goes to physical therapy tomorrow and we get crutches to alleviate pressure on her leg. More lab work on Monday. We trust GOD in this process and know that HE has her.

Lisa J. – January 10, 2019 – 7:49pm

I am exhausted😩 … My baby girl Gabby has unexplained medical issues that has attacked her body but we still trust GOD.

-Lisa J. – January 11, 2019 – 10:34pm

My wife and I decided to go to Gabby’s house on Sunday, January 13th after church. We prayed for Gabby, but did not see any healing right away. But the next morning… this happened:

My baby has been in pain and could barely walk and even after taking her to the Dr. and they could not explain or diagnose what was causing it. I continued to see her suffer and several times cry out in pain. We continued to pray and trust GOD in total healing. Yesterday the boys GODparents came over to drop some things off for the boys and asked about Gabby. Gabby happen to come downstairs and Scott ask Gabby if they could pray for her. We all held hands and touched Gabby and began to pray for her. During our prayer I felt GODs presence. We allowed the boys to pray. I told Gabby to walk and claim healing for herself. She was still in pain after and I explain to her how trusting GOD totally that HE will heal her and HE will. Not sure the exact time my baby came to our room but she said mom, the pain is gone! i have no more pain….my soul cried out HALLEJUAH!! Only GOD can do the totally healing,unexplainables and HE does it in HIS timing not ours…..

– Lisa J. – January 14, 2019 – 6:58am

Gabby’s pain is gone! God did what the doctors could not! Praise God!!!

Jesus Said

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

– Mark 16:17-18, ESV

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